Book your first tutoring session now, starting from 59$/hr!

Book two hours at once and I can knock 10$ off the hourly price, for savings of 20$!

I am generally available AFTER 4 PM Central Time (5 PM Eastern, 2 PM Pacific). Let me know which exact day/time you would prefer and I can set it up.

If it’s your first lesson, I may email you with some questions so that I can better prepare.


You will receive an invoice and can pay with major credit cards or Apple Pay. If you want another payment method (like Paypal or Venmo), just ask in the message and I should be able to set that up.

If you cancel at least 24 hours in advance, I will give a full refund. If you no-show or cancel less than 24 hours in advance, I charge 50% of the price.